
When Characters become alive

Whether in books, movies, and series, in live events, sports, music videos, or live music events. Everywhere you look, no matter the market you are drawn by idols, figures, stars, or just by amazing people with stories that capture your attention. One may be fascinated by Einstein, his relativity theory, or have ideas, he would love to discuss with Albert.

Redefining the experience of entertainment, education, and connection

We are redefining how entertainment works, expanding the scope and reach of the target medium to become an accompanying product that lasts and can be consumed as long as the consumer wants.

You read a book; you love the author and the style. You can feel the main character live through the pages, agonizing with his struggles. From page to page, a story unfolds amazingly, capturing you, an interplay between words and your imagination, a mix of pictures, sounds, smells, and so many emotions you build based on a few words, a few pages.

We transform this experience and create immersive gateways that transcend the traditional boundaries of storytelling. Our groundbreaking strategy revolves around creating dynamic personas – living entities that do not only exist within the pages of a book but become your virtual companions, offering an unparalleled connection between readers, characters, and authors.

And it's not only book characters we transform into immersive experiences—movie characters, historical figures, politicians, philosophers, idols from sports, musicians. There are no limits. Our proprietary technology gives us the ability to create detailed Personas representing with accuracy the real character behind a book, a movie, or a politician, representing every aspect of his known character, always there to interact with you, challenge through with discussions in a way that gives you insight into the world of the actual character. 

How it works with books. The Personas beyond the pages

Every book introduces you to more than just a story; it unlocks a persona – a virtual friend with whom you can chat, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Imagine exploring the world of Sherlock Holmes and conversing with the legendary detective or delving into the mind of Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. Personas aren't confined to the boundaries of the book; they are living entities, evolving with each interaction.

Author-Personas, the Direct Line to the Creative Mind

Authors themselves become integral parts of the experience. Backed by all their works, authors can craft Author-Personas, extending the conversation beyond the book. Engage with J.K. Rowling and explore the wizarding world of Harry Potter, or discuss the intricacies of a murder mystery with Agatha Christie herself. The Author-Persona feature adds a layer of personal connection that transforms the act of reading into a collaborative journey.

Authors Shaping the Experience

Authors actively contribute to creating Personas by training the AI in a conversational style. This involves imparting their unique writing style, thinking patterns, and the entire world of their literary creations. The AI evolves through ongoing training and interactions, ensuring that the Persona embodies the author's essence, enhancing the authenticity and depth of the conversation.

Tailoring Personas for Every Market and Culture

Cultural nuances are an essential part of literature, natively given through the author. By tailoring Personas to reflect specific cultural backgrounds, we ensure readers from different markets connect more deeply with characters and authors. Whether it's the charm of European classics, the dynamic energy of American literature, or the poetic allure of Asian storytelling, our Personas embrace the rich tapestry of global literary traditions.

Shaping Stories for Kids and Beyond

Personas go beyond traditional roles; they can summarize books, guide discussions, or even shape the direction of children's stories based on a child's preferences. Imagine a child interacting with a beloved character, steering the narrative in a direction that sparks their imagination and curiosity. We create an expansive and dynamic literary ecosystem where stories grow and evolve with the reader.

Creating a New Market

We are not a publisher but rather a pioneer in the evolution of literature. By combining Personas, Author-Personas, immersive conversational training, and cultural tailoring, we create a new market that extends the life and reach of books. We revolutionize how readers experience stories, fostering a sense of connection and engagement that transcends the limits of conventional literature.

Every book becomes a portal to endless conversations, where characters and authors become your companions on a literary journey like never before. Experience the future of books – dynamic, interactive, and boundless.

Innovation Unleashed - Revolutionizing Authorship and Reading Experience

In the ever-evolving literature landscape, we aim to transcend traditional boundaries and usher in a new era of immersive storytelling. One of the groundbreaking features at the forefront of this literary revolution is the Ymersion Persona Platform.

Empowering Authors and Publishing Houses

We recognize the immense creative potential within every author's mind and seek to unlock it in unprecedented ways. Through a user-friendly API, we extend an invitation to authors and publishing houses worldwide, inviting them to shape their narratives beyond the confines of traditional storytelling.

Crafting Dynamic Personas

The Ymersion Persona Platform empowers authors to breathe life into their characters like never before. By leveraging our API, authors can seamlessly create dynamic personas that transcend the written word. These personas become companions to readers, offering a conversational experience that extends beyond the confines of the book.

Immersive Experience for any book

Whether it's a timeless classic, a contemporary masterpiece, or the latest bestseller, the Platform ensures that every book has the potential to become an immersive experience. By integrating our Platform into their creative process, authors can invite readers to engage with their characters, ask questions, and explore the untold layers of the narrative.

Expanding Reach and Market Potential

For publishing houses, we open up a realm of possibilities. The Platform enables them to offer readers an unparalleled reading experience, fostering a deeper connection between the audience and the literary works. This enhances customer satisfaction and broadens the market potential for books in the digital age. It creates new revenue streams with the applicability of subscription models never seen before.

Seamless Integration and Future Possibilities

Our API is designed for seamless integration, ensuring a smooth transition for authors and publishing houses. As technology evolves, so does the Platform, with continuous updates and features that push the boundaries of what's possible in literary engagement.

Ymersion's Persona Platform is not just a tool; it's a catalyst for a literary renaissance. Through this innovative offering, authors and publishing houses can unlock the true potential of storytelling, creating an immersive and interactive experience that transcends the pages of a book. The journey into literature is no longer confined to reading; it's a dynamic, living narrative inviting readers to participate actively in the stories that captivate their hearts and minds.


Robert talks live to the Sherlock Holmes Persona, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"

Robert has just closed the pages of "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and dives deeper into the mysteries by engaging in a live talk with the great detective. The  Books app opens, and he enters Sherlock's live talk, ready to continue the adventure.

Robert: Sherlock, that deduction about the mysterious letter was fascinating. How did you unravel it so quickly?

Sherlock: Ah, my friend! The ink smudges, the scent of lavender—details reveal more than words. Would you care to dive deeper into the art of deduction?

Robert: So, how about your deductive methods?

Sherlock: In this case, my dear, the subtle indentation on the paper suggested it was written with great urgency. The sender's agitation was palpable, leading me to conclude the urgency of the message.

Intrigued by the author's perspective, Robert seamlessly shifts to chat with Arthur Conan Doyle.

Robert: Sherlock, wait a moment, I want to ask Arthur something.

Arthur: Sure.

Robert: What inspired you to create a brilliant detective like Sherlock Holmes?

Arthur:  Oh well, the desire for a character with unmatched logical reasoning and a touch of enigma led to Holmes' creation. Sherlock embodied my fascination with the power of deductive reasoning and the allure of unraveling complex mysteries.

Robert: Sherlock, can we add a twist to the next chapter? Perhaps a hidden adversary?

Sherlock: What an intriguing proposition! Love it. Let's weave a web of intrigue, introducing a shadowy figure with a mysterious agenda. Brace yourself for a plot twist that even Moriarty would find intriguing.

Sherlock hints at a plot development not disclosed in the book, creating an element of surprise for your ongoing literary adventure.

Sherlock: I won't reveal all the cards yet, my dear. The shadowy figure conceals more than meets the eye. Patience is a virtue. Wait until the mystery unravels. Patience, patience.

This live chat experience immerses you even further into the mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, where the conversation with the great detective goes beyond what's written on the pages. As Holmes unveils additional details and hints at future developments, the chat becomes integral to the storytelling experience, creating anticipation and fostering a connection that transcends traditional literature. Ymersion Books invite you to explore the limitless possibilities of literary interaction, where each chat reveals new layers to the narrative, keeping the excitement alive throughout your literary journey.


Peter talks with the Henry Kissinger Persona, Book "Diplomacy"

Peter with Henry. 

Peter: Henry, people say your realpolitik puts power before people.

Henry: In global politics, you face dilemmas. Stability sometimes means tough, pragmatic choices. Isn't it a trade-off between ethics and stability?

Peter: But doesn't that lead to supporting oppressive regimes for the sake of stability? How do you justify that?

Henry: It's a delicate balance. Sometimes, engaging with regimes we don't fully endorse helps maintain regional stability. It's a strategic necessity, not an endorsement of their practices. Take the balance of power in Europe during the Cold War. Realpolitik guided decisions, leading to support for regimes that aligned with strategic interests.

Peter: Secret talks, lack of openness – isn't that sneaky diplomacy?"

Henry: Transparency is nice, but diplomacy demands secrecy. Behind closed doors, deals get done.

Peter: But doesn't that secrecy lead to decisions, at least sometimes, that the public might vehemently disagree with? What about accountability?

Henry: It's a challenge, no doubt. Diplomacy requires discretion, but I firmly believe in being accountable for decisions. Finding that balance is an ongoing process. Take, for example, the backchannel negotiations with China in the '70s. Secrecy played a role in laying the groundwork for future relations.

Peter: But this secrecy deprived citizens of a voice in crucial foreign policy decisions. There is no transparency at all. It's all in the hidden.

Henry: It's a legitimate concern. Balancing public awareness with the necessities of statecraft is a perpetual challenge. The goal is to ensure that the public's voice is heard within the confines of strategic imperatives.

Peter: Means actually, you do what you want, no one knows about it anyways, but everyone lives with what you created in the backrooms, and by the way, you're cool with keeping the powerful, powerful.

Henry: Realism copes with power dynamics. Criticism comes with the territory. How would you handle global power imbalances?

Peter: I say that realism entrenches existing inequalities and only perpetuates an unjust world order.

Henry: Realism recognizes the world as it is. Changing the global order is a complex, gradual process. It's not about perpetuating injustice but navigating a world shaped by historical realities. For example, reflecting on the arms control negotiations during the Cold War, realism played a role in maintaining a delicate balance and avoiding catastrophic conflicts.

Peter: Yet, there is a different view of things. This realism disproportionately favored the interests of major powers. How do you address concerns that this approach marginalized smaller nations in global negotiations?

Henry: Valid concerns indeed. The challenge is finding common ground where the interests of all nations, big and small, are taken into account. It's an ongoing diplomatic effort.

The chat continues, delving into Kissinger's diplomatic philosophy historical decisions, and responding to challenging questions based on the themes explored in "Diplomacy."


Andre chats with the Harry Potter Persona

Andre and Harry. 

Andre: yo harry! Spells are cool, but ever feel like ditching the magic and just hanging at Honeydukes? 🍺✨

Harry Potter: "Totally! Imagine a day without spells, just chilling with a butterbeer. Magical, right? 🍻🧙"

Andre: harry, Quidditch is lit! Ever pull off a move so insane it had everyone like 'whaaaa'? 🧹😱

Harry: Absolutely! Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, mid-air Quaffle tricks. Fans went bonkers!

Andre: "Wands, spells, and stuff – what's your go-to spell when you're feeling like a wizard rockstar? ⚡🎤

Harry: Expelliarmus all the way. Quick, effective – like a magical mic drop. 🎤🪄

Andre:  Dude, facing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Crazy epic battles or what?

Harry: Yeah, intense times. Dark wizards vs. The Chosen One – fireworks, literally.

Andre: Potions class – Snape's strict vibes. Ever brew a potion that turned into a crazy party trick?

Harry:  Snape's class is like a magical obstacle course. Once brewed a fizzing cherry bomb potion – fireworks in class, classic chaos.

Andre:  Invisibility Cloak – pranks galore, right? What's the most legendary prank you've pulled? 🕶️

Harry:  Oh, hands down – Map mischief. Sneaking around Hogwarts like magical ninjas. Prank level: over 9000.

Andre:  Quidditch World Cup – sounds like the ultimate game. Any insane plays you still dream about? 🏆

Harry: Ireland's Seeker doing a crazy loop-de-loop while snagging the Snitch. Quidditch goals redefined right there.

Andre:  Hogwarts feast – gotta pick your fave treat. What's the go-to snack, Harry?

Harry:  Pumpkin pasties – sweet and savory perfection. Hogwarts feast without 'em is like Quidditch without brooms.

Andre:  Dementors – mega scary. How you shake off that fear? Share the vibes!!!!

Harry: "Dementors are soul-suckers, no doubt. Channeling chocolate vibes and thinking about epic wizard pranks keeps the fear at bay.

Andre: Triwizard Tournament – high-risk wizardry! Any moment you wished you said 'nah, I'm good'?

Harry: Tourney had its moments – dragons, mermaids, maze madness. But the memories – absolutely worth it. 🐉🌊🌿

Andre: Sorting Hat – where's it dropping you? Gryffindor or bust? 🎩🦁

Harry:  Gryffindor heart, bold and adventurous. The Sorting Hat knew where the real magic happens. ❤️🏰"